Governance Committee


MINUTES of a meeting of the Governance Committee held at Council Chamber, County Hall, Lewes on 19 April 2022.



PRESENT  Councillors Keith Glazier (Chair), Nick Bennett, Chris Collier, Rupert Simmons and David Tutt




Councillors Matthew Beaver, Colin Belsey, Roy Galley, Ian Hollidge, Barry Taylor, Georgina Taylor and John Ungar




52.         Minutes of the meeting held on 22 March 2022


52.1     RESOLVED – that the minutes of the previous meeting of the Committee held on 22 March 2022 be confirmed as and signed as a correct record.




53.         Reports


53.1     Copies of the reports referred to below are included in the minute book.




54.         Disclosures of interests


54.1     There were no disclosures of interest.




55.         Appointment of Members to Committees, Sub-Committees, Panels and other bodies


55.1     The Committee considered a report by the Assistant Chief Executive regarding the allocation of places on committees, sub-committees, panels and other bodies to the political and independent groups.


55.2     The Committee RESOLVED to recommend the County Council to:

1) allocate to the political and independent groups the places on, and membership of, the main committees as set out in Appendix 1;

2) allocate places on the other committees and panels as set out in Appendix 2; and

3) allocate the Chair and Vice-Chair positions on committees as set out below:










People Scrutiny Committee



Liberal Democrat

Place Scrutiny Committee




Audit Committee

Liberal Democrat


Health Overview and Scrutiny Committee




Governance Committee





Planning Committee




Pension Committee




Standards Committee







56.         Appointment to Outside Body - Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London (PATROL) Adjudication Joint Committee


56.1     The Committee considered a report by the Assistant Chief Executive regarding the appointment of a councillor to the Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London (PATROL) Adjudication Joint Committee.


56.2     The Committee RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Hollidge as the Council representative on the Parking and Traffic Regulations Outside London (PATROL) Adjudication Joint Committee for the period to June 2025.




57.         Appointment to Outside Body - Combe Valley Countryside Park Community Interest Company


57.1     The Committee considered a report by the Director of Communities, Economy and Transport regarding the appointment of a councillor to the Combe Valley Countryside Park Community Interest Company.


57.2     The Committee RESOLVED to appoint Councillor Beaver and Councillor Pragnell (substitute) as the Council’s representative on the Combe Valley Countryside Park Community Interest Company.




58.         LMG Pay Award 2021/22


58.1     The Committee considered a report by the Chief Operating Officer regarding the pay award for LMG Managers for 2021/22.


58.2     The Committee RESOLVED to agree the pay award for LMG Managers for the financial 2021/22 as being 1.75% in line with the national NJC award.




59.         Chief Executive, Chief Officers' and Deputy Chief Officers' Pay 2021/22


[The Chief Executive, Chief Officers and Deputy Chief officers present at the meeting left the meeting prior to consideration of this item]


59.1     The Committee considered a report by the Assistant Director, Human Resources and Organisation Development regarding the pay award for the Chief Executive, Chief Officers and Deputy Chief Officers for 2021/22.


59.2     The following amendment was moved by Councillor Tutt and seconded:


The pay award for the Chief Executive, Chief Officers and Deputy Chief Officers for the financial year 2021/22 should be frozen (0% pay award)


59.3     The amendment was lost (by 3 votes to 2)


59.4     The Committee RESOLVED (by 3 votes to 2) to agree the pay award for the Chief Executive, Chief Officers and Deputy Chief Officers for the for the financial year 2021/22 as 1.5% in line with the JNC award.


[Councillors Chris Collier and David Tutt voted against the above resolution]


